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Mercy High School Saint Louis Missouri
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Mercy High

The Beginning, Middle and End

​Significant Milestones


On November 16, 1946, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph E. Ritter, Archbishop of St. Louis, asked Mother Mary Fidelis, R.S.M., Mother Provincial of the Sisters of Mercy, if the Sisters of Mercy would take charge of the newest and first coeducational high school in the archdiocesan system.


  • September 7, 1948, classes began for 298 freshmen and sophomores. Those sophomores were to become the first graduating class.​

  • January 28, 1949, Rev. Christian J. Martin blessed the cornerstone.​

  • February 11, 1949, Dedication by His Excellency the Most Reverend Joseph E. Ritter, S.T.D.

  • ​February 24, 1949, Celebration of the first Holy Mass in the school’s chapel.

  • May 20, 1949, State accreditation received.

  • January 1951, construction began for the new south wing.

  • May 25, 1951, Mercy High School received State of Missouri recognition as a four-year high school.

  • May 1951, first graduating class consists of 79 students.

  • September 3, 1952, new wing completed, and school began with 747 students.

  • 1956, North Central Evaluation passed. Enrollment of 1144 and a staff of 8 diocesan priests, 22 Sisters of Mercy and 16 lay teachers.

  • 1973, enrollment just over 700 students.

  • September 1984, enrollment under 350 students, Archdiocese announces Mercy High to merge with St. Thomas Aquinas High School.

  • May 1985, final graduating class of 88 students. The total number of graduates, 6,662 students


Located at 1000 Pennsylvania Avenue in University City, Mercy served the community from 1948 - 1985 when it merged with St. Thomas Aquinas High School, forming St. Thomas Aquinas-Mercy High School. St. Thomas Aquinas-Mercy and Rosary high schools merged in the fall of 2003 to become Trinity Catholic High School which closed it's doors in 2021.

Ours is a new school, strong, brave, and true school. 
Mercy High! Cheer it loud! 
Victories, take them. 
Comrades, we’ll make them deeply proud. 
Mercy High! Mercy High! 
With an M for Maids and Men who call you Mother. 
E for Eternal and Endless your fame. 
R’s a rousing Rah! Rah! Rah! we’re winning life’s game. 
Mercy High! 
Mercy High! 
C for Cheers as our Colors fly. 
Y for Years of victory as you’re marching by. 
Our school, Mercy High! 
Laurels shall crown you. 
Nothing shall down you. 
First and best? Not a doubt! Gladly wee claim you, Loyally name you! 
Loud our shout! 
Written by Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. (1948) 


Mercy High closes St Louis Post Dispatch
Even though the halls are empty.
And the lights no longer burn brightly,
Mercy High School will continue in the hearts of those who loved her.
Some thought that this was just another ordinary school. But it was much, much more.
The Last Mercian 1985
Mercy High School St. Louis, Missouri

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